300 Powderhorn Road, Simpsonville, SC 29681 864-967-3410
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Pool News

Upstate Pool Management will be offering SWIM LESSONS for children this year at Powderhorn!
The group lessons will cost $72 per child, per two-week session, and we will have one session in June and another one in July.
Lessons will be held in the mornings prior to our daily pool openings and will be conducted by UPM Lifeguards.
Space is limited to 8 children, and we must have at least 3 children signed up to hold the sessions.
Please contact our pool director for more information.
New Pool Passes Required For All This Season
Please send pictures for all members of your household that you would like a pass for, age 5 and above.
These can be emailed to pool@powderhornsc.org,
dropped to the clubhouse mail slot, or mailed to
Powderhorn Pool Director PO Box 951 Simpsonville, SC 29681
Reminder: All HOA dues must be paid-in-full to obtain pool passes.

Upcoming Election
Trying to navigate around the candidates in the upcoming election can be a little overwhelming.
Here are a couple of links that may be helpful.
To view a sample ballot for the election, check out the link below and follow the instructions:
For general information regarding the election, check out this link:
POSTED 10/14/20
Powderhorn End of Season Pool Party
​Just a friendly reminder that Sunday, September 13 is our
End of Season Pool Party which will be
from 1:00 pm until we run out of food and ice cream!
We apologize for listing the wrong times in the September newsletter!
Thank you all for a great pool season!
POSTED 8/11/20
Powderhorn Pool Schedule for the Remainder of the 2020 Pool Season
As the summer is winding down, here is the pool schedule for the remainder of the 2020 pool season:
Monday, August 17 10:30 am – 7:30 pm OPEN
7:30 pm – 8:30 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Tuesday, August 18 – Sunday, September 6
Fridays 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Saturdays 10:30 am – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Sundays 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Monday, September 7 (Labor Day) 10:30 am – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Tuesday, September 8 – Sunday, September 13
Fridays 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Saturdays 10:30 am – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
Sundays 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm OPEN
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm CLOSED TO CLEAN
POSTED 8/14/20
Powderhorn Pool Guest Passes
Just a reminder that guest passes will NOT be sold at the pool.
Homeowners/Residents or Outside Members who have purchased a membership for the current season may purchase guest passes.
We are currently only selling up to 4 guest passes at this time. Guest passes may be used any day throughout the current season. 1 guest pass is good for 1 person for 1 day.
Guest passes are 1 for $5 or 4 for $15.
To purchase up to 4 guest passes, please drop off your payment in the mail slot on the clubhouse door
by 5:30 pm Thursday evenings.
Guest passes will be processed on Thursday evenings only and will be
placed up at the pool the following morning.
POSTED 7/22/20
Powderhorn Pool will be Closed Monday, July 13 til 6:00 pm
The pool will be closed on Monday, July 13, until 6:00 pm for cleaning and disinfecting
due to an incident at the pool on Sunday.
Just a reminder to please remember to IMMEDIATELY notify the lifeguards
if you or your guest becomes ill in the pool.
POSTED 7/13/20
Fireworks are Scary for Fur Babies
Here's some information to help keep your pets safe and stress-free during this time.
POSTED 7/2/20

Powderhorn Pets on Hot Pavement
The sun is shining...people are out...the pavement is HOT! PLEASE remember that the paws on our fur babies CAN BURN on the hot pavement during your walks.
Remember the 5 second rule....If YOU are not able to hold the back of YOUR HAND to the hot pavement
for 5 SECONDS...then it's too hot for your dog to walk on so please walk them on the grass if you have to.
Also, another reminder...PLEASE DO NOT leave your fur babies in your car as temperatures can soar in a manner of minutes causing distress and possibly death to your beloved furry family member.
POSTED 6/24/20

Powderhorn Pool Pass Pick Up
There are still pool passes that need to be picked up at the pool so PLEASE pick them up
by the end of the day on Friday, July 3, 2020.
All passes that have NOT been picked up by that date will be mailed Saturday morning
which means you will NOT have them in time to attend our 4th of July Pool Party.
If you go to the pool at a time when there is only 1 lifeguard working, PLEASE WAIT until adult swim
(Adult swim is the last 10 minutes of every hour) to get your passes.
The lifeguards must remain on the stand to ensure the safety of our pool patrons so they cannot step down from their post to hand you your passes until adult swim time.
POSTED 6/15/20
Powderhorn Pool Rule for Children Under 13
Just a reminder that children under the age of 13 need to have a parent or
guardian (someone 18 years of age or older) with them at the pool.
We want to keep everyone safe so please, help us help you.
POSTED 6/12/20
Powderhorn Pool Updated Temporary Schedule
Due to some of the changes in DHEC's guidelines, we will no longer be closing the pool midday to clean/disinfect but we WILL continue to close the pool 1 hour earlier than the regular schedule to clean/disinfect for the following day.
Please click here to view the new temporary schedule which begins tomorrow.
Please note that we will regroup in two weeks to see if any recommendations change so this temporary schedule may not actually go through September 6.
That has been posted in several places for several weeks and there is a sign posted at the pool gate that states that. The life guards are doing their job and enforcing that rule so please do not get mad at them when they ask you for your pool pass.
POSTED 6/3/20
Reminder for Days Pool Passes will be Created
*** As the pool is now open, new/replacement pool passes & guest passes will be processed on
Monday and Thursday evenings only going forward. ***
IE: If you need pool passes made for the weekend and your assessment has been paid
(or payment arrangements have been made through the Treasurer),
you must email your information (application, pictures, etc.)
to pool@powderhornsc.org by 6:00 pm Thursday evenings
in order to receive the passes at the pool on Friday morning
otherwise it will be Monday before any new/replacement pool passes are created.
If you have your pool passes from last year and your assessment has been paid (or payment arrangements
have been made through the Treasurer), please take your passes up to the pool
and the life guards will punch them for you with this season's punch.
Also, just another reminder that we are NOT selling guest passes at the pool. ​Please contact us at pool@powderhornsc.org to make arrangements to purchase guest passes. As it may take a few days to get guest passes to you after receipt of payment, please plan accordingly.
We are only selling up to four (4) guest passes per home at this time. 1 guest pass is $5 and a sheet of 4 guest passes is $15. We will regroup in the upcoming weeks to see about opening it up to sell more.
POSTED 6/3/20
Powderhorn Pool Guest Pass Sales​
Due to current capacity limits in the pool area, we are only selling four (4) guest passes per home at this time. We will regroup in the upcoming weeks to see about opening it up to sell more.
Please contact us at pool@powderhornsc.org to make arrangements to purchase guest passes. As it may take a day or two to get guest passes to you, please plan accordingly.
POSTED 6/1/20
Powderhorn Annual Meeting of the Homeowners​
As the Powderhorn HOA annual meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, May 31 at 3:00 pm, we understand that people may not want to attend due to the social distancing practices we will follow.
As we strive to get as much information to our homeowners that we can and
to make it easier for homeowners to get this information beforehand if they will not be attending the meeting, the annual meeting presentation has been uploaded to the website
POSTED 5/26/20
Powderhorn Pool Passes​
If you did NOT send in your pool passes with your assessment payment so that your passes could be punched for this season, please come to the pool tomorrow, Saturday, May 23, either from
10:30 am - 11:30 am or from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm when Josh and Claudine will be there
and they will punch your passes for you.
The life guards will NOT be able to punch your passes so if you are not able to make it to the pool
during the times Josh and Claudine are there, please drop your passes off in the clubhouse mail slot
and we will get them and punch them for you.
NOTE: For the next week, Claudine will check the clubhouse mail slot once per day around 5:30 pm so please get your passes in by that time if you would like to have them for the following day.
Please remember you MUST have your pool passes punched for the 2020 pool season to enter the pool area.
If you have any questions, please contact us at pool@powderhornsc.org.
POSTED 5/22/20
Pool Opening - What to Expect​
• ALL pool patrons (ages 5 or older) MUST have a pool pass that has been punched with this season's special punch to enter the pool area. NO POOL PASS...NO ADMITTANCE. NOTE: This is the rule for the entire season and not just opening day.
• NO ALCOHOL is allowed in the pool area.
• NO SMOKING OR VAPING is allowed in the pool area.
• 58 pool patrons (plus 2 lifeguards) will be allowed to be in the pool area at a time.
• When you enter the pool area, PLEASE PLACE A TOWEL, BAG, ETC. ON A CHAIR/LOUNGER FOR EACH MEMBER IN YOUR PARTY. This will make it easier to complete the headcounts. 1 person per seat.
• IF we have people waiting to get in to the pool area, they will be allowed to enter when that number of people leave the pool area. IE: If 1 person leaves the pool but the next people in line are a family of 4, they will need to wait until 3 more people leave the pool area before that family of 4 can enter. We will not have more than 58 pool patrons in the pool area at a time.
• The pool will be closed for approximately 1 hour during the middle of the day and 1 hour earlier than the regular schedule for cleaning/disinfecting.
• When the pool closes to be cleaned/disinfected, you will be asked to gather all of your belongings and leave the pool area. You will not be able to leave anything to "save your seat".
• When the lifeguards have finished cleaning/disinfecting the entire pool area, the pool will be opened back up for the next block.
• If you attended the first block and there are people that show up to attend the next block after the cleaning/disinfecting has been completed, please allow those that did not/were not able to attend the first block to enter the pool area first. Let's give everyone a chance to enjoy the pool during this time.
• Due to the changes caused by the coronavirus precautions, we will NOT be selling guest passes during the day.
The temporary pool schedule can be found here.
If we are all patient, respectful, neighborly, thoughtful, cooperative and considerate of the lifeguards and other pool patrons, then this season should be hiccup free.
POSTED 5/21/20
Powderhorn Pool Temporary Schedule & What to Expect​
The pool will be closed for approximately 1 hour during the middle of the day and 1 hour earlier than the regular schedule for cleaning/disinfecting.
Only 58 pool patrons (plus 2 lifeguards) will be allowed to be in the pool area at a time. Keep in mind that if you are a family of 4 but there is only room for 2 more people in the pool area, you may either send 2 of your family in and wait until 2 people leave or you may wait until the next block of time the pool is open after the cleaning/disinfecting has been completed so that all 4 of your family members may get in at the same time.
When the pool closes after each block to be cleaned/disinfected, you will be asked to gather all of your belongings and leave the pool area. You will not be able to leave anything to "save your seat".
When the lifeguards have finished cleaning/disinfecting the entire pool area, the pool will be opened back up for the next block.
If you attended the first block and there are people that show up to attend the next block after the cleaning/disinfecting has been completed, please allow those that did not/were not able to attend the first block to enter the pool area first. Let's give everyone a chance to enjoy the pool during this time.
The temporary pool schedule can be found here.
We are hopeful that everyone will be patient, respectful and neighborly during this time.
We are hopeful that everyone will be thoughtful, cooperative and considerate of the lifeguards
and others trying to use the pool.
POSTED 5/19/20
Powderhorn Pool Update​
DHEC is allowing us to follow the "5 people per 1,000 square feet" guideline. (This is much better for us than the 20% of capacity guideline.) That means we may have up to 60 people (including the two life guards) in the pool area at one time. To put that into perspective, we usually put out 86 seats (chairs/loungers) so we will now be down to 58 seats instead.
We are finalizing a temporary schedule until we get through the next couple of weeks in the hopes that Governor McMaster will let us get back to normal by then. The temporary schedule will have the pool closed down mid-day for approximately 1 hour to allow for people to leave the area so the pool may be disinfected and cleaned. The pool will reopen when this has been completed. The pool will then be closed down approximately 1 hour before the normal closing time to allow for cleaning & disinfecting for the following day. We will post the temporary schedule as soon as it becomes finalized.
As the lifeguards will be busy watching the pool, checking pool passes and keeping us compliant, we do not want to take their time away from that to sell guest passes throughout the day. Therefore, we are temporarily suspending the sale of the guest passes during the day for the next few weeks. If you must have a guest pass, please email pool@powderhornsc.org.
As always, there is no alcohol allowed in the pool area. Upstate Pool Management Group has already posted a sign on the gate regarding that. This is a family pool and DHEC states that no person under the influence of alcohol or drugs should use the pool as this is a safety hazard to not only that person but to others in the pool or pool area.
We will continue to update everyone as we receive more information.
Please bear with us during this time as we want everyone to have a safe, happy and healthy summer
and we need your help in doing that.
POSTED 5/15/20
Powderhorn Pool Opening​
Governor McMaster is allowing pools to open beginning May 18. As of right now, we believe we will be opening our pool on time on May 23 with lifeguards. If that changes, we will post that asap.
DHEC does have guidelines that Upstate Pool Management Company and the Powderhorn HOA
will follow to help ensure the health and safety of our pool patrons.
One of the steps being discussed will be closing the pool a couple of times a day
to disinfect the chairs, tables, etc.
It also looks like the number of pool patrons in the pool area at a time may be limited to 20% of capacity.
Again, these are items currently being discussed and worked out.
This new standard may only last a few weeks or it may last this pool season.
We will continue to keep everyone posted.
POSTED 5/13/20
Powderhorn Pool Passes​
We are still hopeful that Governor McMaster will rescind his executive order and open up the pools
before our May 23 opening. We will continue to keep everyone posted.
If you have not yet sent in your pool passes with your assessment payment so that your passes may be punched with this year's punch, please do so as quickly as you can.
If you forgot to send in your pool passes when you paid your assessment, please put your passes in an envelope and drop it in the mail slot on the clubhouse door.
The pool passes that we have received/created will be ready for pick up at the clubhouse on
Saturday, May 16 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am.
If you have any questions, please contact us at pool@powderhornsc.org.
POSTED 5/1/20
Pool Closed Until Further Notice due to Covid-19​
Governor McMaster has issued an Executive Order to close all public swimming pools due to Codvi-19.
We do not know when our pool will be allowed to open but we will continue
to monitor the situation and keep everyone posted.
POSTED 4/5/20
Reminder: Full House Sportzaria Food Truck is
Coming Back to Powderhorn!
The Full House Sportzaria food truck will be at the Powderhorn clubhouse again
this Friday, April 24 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
NOTE: You may also call them at (864) 757-8396 to pre-order and pay over the phone if you would like something other than a slice of pizza such as wings, whole pizza pies, pastas, subs, etc. as they will have a separate line to pick those items up from.
Please have 1 representative from each family come up to the truck and order/collect your food.
Social distancing must be adhered to for everyone's safety.
Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
POSTED 4/20/20
Reminder for Food Trucks Coming to Powderhorn!
Here are the dates/times for the different food trucks that will come to
Powderhorn's clubhouse parking lot:​
Full House Sportzaria - Monday, April 13 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
​​Tacos & Bla Bla Bla - Thursday, ​A​pril 16 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Full House Sportzaria - Friday, April 24 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Henry's Smokehouse - Saturday, April 25 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Please have 1 representative from each family come up to the truck and order/collect your food.
Social distancing must be adhered to for everyone's safety.
Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
POSTED 4/13/20
Tacos & Bla Bla Bla is Coming to Powderhorn!
​You know what we need now Powderhorn....a Taco Thursday!
​​Tacos & Bla Bla Bla ​will be in the Powderhorn clubhouse parking lot on Thursday, ​A​pril 16 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
As always, please have 1 representative from each family come up to the truck and order/collect your food.
Social distancing must be adhered to for everyone's safety.
Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
POSTED 4/9/20
Henry's Smokehouse is Coming to Powderhorn!
Pulled Pork & Pleasing Prepared Plates for Powderhorn People to Purchase! (Say that 3 times fast!)
Henry's Smokehouse will be in the Powderhorn clubhouse parking lot on
Saturday, April 25 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Only 1 member or representative of each family should go up to the truck
to place their order & collect their food.
The recommended distance between individuals is 6 feet. Please be mindful of boundaries.
Cash and credit/debit cards accepted.
We have taken extra precautions with how we package and distribute the food to
you. We ask that you practice social distancing and to be courteous of those
around you. We thank you for your support of small local businesses.
You may check out their menu here.
POSTED 4/9/20
Full House Sportzaria is Coming to Powderhorn!
Who is Ready for a Powderhorn Pizza Day!
The PHOA board is doing what we can to bring in a little distraction from the chaos of the world.
We are happy to announce that Full House Sportzaria will be coming to Powderhorn with
their food truck full of delicious slices of pizza to purchase!
YES, safety precautions will be taken and social distancing must be followed.
It will be nice to get out of the house for a minute and say "Hi" (from a distance of course!)
to our neighbors and eat some delicious pizza.
The food truck will be at the Powderhorn clubhouse as follows:
Monday, April 13 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Friday, April 24 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The food truck will accept cash or credit cards for your convenience.
Check out their flyer for more information here.
You may also call them at (864) 757-8396 to pre-order and pay over the phone if you would like something other than a slice of pizza such as wings, whole pizza pies, pastas, subs, etc. as they will have a
separate line to pick those items up from. You may check out their menu here.
PLEASE come on out, bring some lawn chairs and visit with your neighbors
while supporting a neighborhood business!
POSTED 4/7/20
Assessments are Due​
It's March 31st, 2020 and the HOA assessments are due.
The 2020 assessments are $350.
If you have any questions regarding the dues, please contact the Powderhorn HOA Treasurer at treasurer@powderhornsc.org.
POSTED 3/31/20
Pool Update
We are pleased to announce that the resurfacing of the pool has been completed and
we are on schedule for the pool to open for the 2020 season on Saturday, May 23.
DHEC has advised that they currently have no plans to close any pools but in case that changes
due to COVID-19, we will let you know as soon as we hear.
POSTED 3/19/20
Annual Meeting Postponed and April 13th Board Meeting Cancelled due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As the rest of the world is taking precautions to help decrease the spread of the coronavirus, the PHOA Board of Directors has decided to do our part and postpone the annual meeting until further notice.
We are also cancelling the April 13th board meeting as well.
We will keep everyone updated on our official Powderhorn website as well as
on Nextdoor and the Neighborhood News page on Facebook.
As always, if you need to get in touch with any board member, our contact information is as follows:
PHOA Board Members
President - Rob Abson
Vice President - Dick Smith
Secretary - Steve Brandon
Treasurer - Josh Schofer
Architectural Director - Kenny McAtee
Communications Director - Claudine Schofer
Landscape Director - OPEN (Email is still being checked)
Pool Director - OPEN (Email is still being checked)
Recreational Director (Clubhouse & Tennis Courts) - Gene Warner
We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy during this difficult time.
POSTED 3/19/20
Check out a Museum without leaving the House!
Stuck at home and looking for something to do? Check out a museum...virtually that is.
POSTED 3/16/20
Assessment Packages are Here!!!
The 2020 Assessment Packages were mailed at the end of February 2020. If you have not yet received your package, please email powderhorntreasurer@gmail.com.
Your assessment package contains not only your dues invoice but other information regarding collection & fee schedules, pool information, upcoming HOA board meetings, event dates, the
2020-2021 budget and 2019-2020 P&L.
If you have any questions regarding the dues, budget or P&L, etc., please email powderhorntreasurer@gmail.com.
If you have any questions regarding the pool and/or pool passes, please email
POSTED 3/5/20
Assessment Packages are Coming!!!
The 2020 Assessment Packages will be mailed at the end of February 2020.
Your assessment package contains not only your dues invoice but other information regarding collection & fee schedules, pool information, upcoming HOA board meetings, event dates, the
2020-2021 budget and 2019-2020 P&L. If you have any questions regarding the dues, budget or P&L, etc., please email powderhorntreasurer@gmail.com.
Also, included in the packages are a pool application (if you need pool passes), the 2020 pool schedule and pool rules. If you have any questions regarding the pool and/or pool passes, please email powderhornpool@gmail.com.
POSTED 1/30/20
Powderhorn Christmas/Holiday Party
Saturday, December 7, 2019 from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the clubhouse
Join us for an evening of food, friendship, fellowship and fun as we celebrate
this wonderful holiday season!
POSTED 11/8/19
Children's Halloween Party has been cancelled
We are sad to announce that this year's Children's Halloween Party scheduled for Thursday, October 31, 2019 has been cancelled.
We hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween!
POSTED 10/1/19
UPDATE: This event has been cancelled due to the threat of bad weather from Tropical Stom Nestor.
Chili Cook-Off Contest &
Powderhorn Neighborhood Block Party
Get those family recipes out Powderhorn and enter the
Powderhorn Chili Cook-Off Contest and then stick around for the
Powderhorn Neighborhood Block Party!
The Chili Cook-Off Contest & Block Party will be held on
Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
The Powderhorn Neighborhood Block Party will be held immediately following the contest
in the Powderhorn clubhouse parking lot. Hamburgers & hot dogs will be served.
Our very own, John Monson, will be playing for us again. You may remember John's musical talents as he played for us at the pool season closing party.
Sample some delicious chili and meet some great new friends!
Email powderhorncommunications@gmail.com to enter the contest.
POSTED 8/30/19

End of Season Pool Party & Ice Cream Social
Just a friendly reminder that Sunday, September 15 is our
End of Season Pool Party Ice Cream Social which will be
from 1:00 pm until we run out of ice cream!
at the Powderhorn pool so please remember to bring your pool passes!
We will also have LIVE MUSIC for your listening enjoyment from our very own JOHN MONSON! John will play at 2:00 pm and again at 5:00 pm so come on out and enjoy some live music with your friends, family and neighbors as we end the season on a high note!
Thank you all for a great pool season!
2019 Pool Season Schedule
Just a friendly reminder that our pool schedule for this season changed to allow for more weekends in the season.
The pool will be CLOSED Mondays – Thursdays from August 19 through September 12.
EXCEPTION: The pool will be OPEN Monday, September 2 for Labor Day!​
The pool will be OPEN Fridays – Sundays from August 23 through September 15.
Click here for the 2019 Powderhorn Pool Schedule.

Powderhorn Subdivision Fall Neighborhood Yard Sale
Clean out those closets Powderhorn because
our neighborhood Fall yard sale is fast approaching!
The Powderhorn Subdivision Fall Neighborhood Yard Sale will be held on
Saturday, September 28, 2019 beginning at 8:00 am.
The PHOA board will be advertising in the Greenville News/Tribune Times
as well as on Nextdoor.
Happy selling!

Simpsonville Mayor Janice Curtis will be attending our PHOA board meeting on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 7:00 pm to discuss the new apartments that are being built behind the Powderhorn subdivision. She will be available to answer questions that our homeowners may have concerning the apartments.
If you would like to find out more about the apartments before the board meeting, please follow the link below to the "Market Feasibility Analysis - Parkside at Main Street Apartments".